Go see 'Iron Man' !

By | May 2, 2008

It was field day for my older kids today, so they got out of school early. I couldn’t let them waste the day, right? I took off and we went and caught a matinée.

This is a great movie. Not just a great comic book movie… its a great movie.

I won’t spoil it.

Oh, stay through the credits. You’ll be glad you did.


  • Phil Bowermaster

    I wonder if they’ll ever do a movie of the DC Comics robot team, Metal Men? They weren’t (exactly) a rip-off on Iron Man. Also, DC had its own X-Men.

    No, not them.

    These guys. They were pretty cool, too. Although technicall,y I guess some would consider Robotman a rip-off on Iron Man.

    I point that out just to bring this back around to something sort of relevant to the original post.

    Okay then.

  • Stephen Gordon

    And Iron Man has a lot in common with Batman.

    Yeah, both companies borrowed heavily from one another… Capes and underwear over the pants are highly unusual attire here in the real world (I hardly ever dress like that), but are present in both Marvel and DC.

  • Karl Hallowell

    Hmmm, this is pretty pro-transhumanist. The hero has an awesome robot suit, an interesting gadget built in his chest, and a friendly AI. He also has an intriguing collection of modern and near future technology. All of this is portrayed in a mostly positive light.

  • tyree

    I was an easy sell, I have 500 comic books in my collection and Iron Man is a big part of that. My girlfriend is 48 and has never read a comic book in her life. We both thought the film was great. Kudos to the cast and crew.

  • Jack Tanner

    It was awesome – some serious ass kicking action