Category Archives: Singularity

Declaration of Singularity

IN CONGRESS, SOME UNSPECIFIED DATE IN THE FUTURE The unanimous Declaration of the new posthuman civilization We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men human beings sentient beings of human-level or greater intelligence are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, the Designer of the Simulation in Which We Find Ourselves, or a universe-intrinsic […]

Declaration of Singularity

  Image via Wikipedia   This piece is a Speculist Fourth of July tradition. Happy Independence Day, all. IN CONGRESS, SOME UNSPECIFIED DATE IN THE FUTURE The unanimous Declaration of the the new posthuman civilization We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men human beings sentient beings of human-level or greater intelligence are […]

Show’s Over, Folks

In light of these developments, we have no choice but shut the Speculist down for a week or two and then re-open as (I’m guessing) a celebrity news and fashion tips site. It’s been a fun ride!

Show's Over, Folks

In light of these developments, we have no choice but shut the Speculist down for a week or two and then re-open as (I’m guessing) a celebrity news and fashion tips site. It’s been a fun ride!

Bleak Outlook, but not Bleak Enough?

Image via Wikipedia College Crunch presents the top 10 Most Technophobic Movies, with some completey expected entries, some fairly obscure material, and a least a couple surprises. Those of us more favorably inclined to technology often take issue with the technology-bashing that goes on in such films (while otherwise greatly enjoying many of them.) But […]


That’s the answer. The question was: What’s the word for the terrible realization that we might not be living in special times after all? I’m having a lot of fun checking out Quora, by the way. If you stop by, look me up.