Category Archives: Ephemeralization

How Much Data?

Webopedia cites IDC research showing that we — presumably meaning humanity, all of civilization — produced 2.8 zettabytes in 2012. (That’s 2.8 trillion gigabytes, for those who couldn’t remember where “zetta” falls on the scale of hugeness.) In what may be a corallary to Moore’s Law, IDC also says that the total amount of data […]

Data Is Eating Us

Is analyzing big data more fun than eating? Well, it might just be. For some, at least. Anyway, that is one of the premises of Platfora’s recent Soylent giveaway promotion. For those who need catching up: Platfora is a Hadoop-native big data analytics platform. Soylent is an instant meal replacement, designed to provide 100% of […]

Bigger than We Realize

I think maybe big data is being under-hyped. That’s right. Under. And, yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. And I know how suspect it sounds coming from a guy who spent all those years in product marketing, specifically marketing a product with strong big data tendencies (although we didn’t use that word to position […]