Category Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Friday Videos: Google's Self-Driving Car

I think this [Watson AI System] is really a tool that can assist knowledge workers, but isn’t going to replace them outright. Just like we won’t let a GPS drive our car by itself, we’re not going to turn over legal advice to computer. It’s just not ready for prime time, and won’t be in […]

Friday Videos: Google’s Self-Driving Car

I think this [Watson AI System] is really a tool that can assist knowledge workers, but isn’t going to replace them outright. Just like we won’t let a GPS drive our car by itself, we’re not going to turn over legal advice to computer. It’s just not ready for prime time, and won’t be in […]

Am I too worried about Watson?

In my “Why Watson is Important” post, I asked, “If, instead of general knowledge questions, Watson were optimized to do computer support, teach a class, or practice law, how long until those sorts of jobs start to be done by computers?” My answer was about 10 years.  The SciGuy blogger wanted to know if I […]

Bleak Outlook, but not Bleak Enough?

Image via Wikipedia College Crunch presents the top 10 Most Technophobic Movies, with some completey expected entries, some fairly obscure material, and a least a couple surprises. Those of us more favorably inclined to technology often take issue with the technology-bashing that goes on in such films (while otherwise greatly enjoying many of them.) But […]

When the Machines Take Over

Image via Wikipedia There is something profound happening, here — something with implications far beyond the world of Donkey Kong: For example, let’s say you’re jumping Donkey Kong through a particularly difficult level. Die eight consecutive times and a pop-up screen will ask if you want to activate Super Guide. Once initiated, you can then […]