Maybe Call it the “Bucky”

By | January 31, 2015

Montreal Biosphere, Canada“[We will do] more and more with less and less until eventually [we] can do everything with nothing.”

There should be a prize for the biggest contributions to the datafication of our world. Datafication involves replacing physical infrastructure with virtual or simply changing the relative value between the physical and data properties of any product or service.

For example, Netflix might have been nominated for such a prize when they shifted their business model from being about disks in the mail to being about streaming of content. They removed the physical aspects of their business and left only data. This is a critical trend in our world, and the largest contributors to it should be recognized and rewarded.

R. Buckminster Fuller called this process “ephemeralization.” Maybe the prize should be named after him.

  • RickJ

    I wish you had included examples of datfication for novices, like, er, myself. I am not able to visualize what is meant by, “Datafication involves replacing physical infrastructure with virtual or
    simply changing the relative value between the physical and data
    properties of any product or service”. How would one replace a house, (physical) with a virtual replica in a real world situation? Though it comes to me that we are already modeling physical attributes of potential constructions in a virtual world, testing the properties of such, I remain unclear if that is the type of replacement meant by that term?

  • Vandna

    Post-scarcity is a theoretical alternative form of economics or social engineering in which goods, services and information are universally.